Field Workers

Field Workers


Dear Brother,
My birthday is approaching even faster now. But I might not ever be able to deliver. My foot is frozen. I do not understand. At first I could barely move my toes at all but now my entire foot is completely frozen. I've kept it as warm as possible but it will not unfreeze. It is frozen without the cold. Mom and the other women are worried about the water. Some women think there are evil spirits in the water so they do not pick rice. It's hard to pick rice without stepping in the water.

I have not been to the rice fields since my foot froze. You are gone and my foot is frozen so there is nobody to help our family pick. Dad has been coming home very late now. He is always in a bad mood. He yells at mom a lot now mom just says he's sad but I think he's angry.

Also what are the Americans like? Have you met them? Mom and Dad want to know if they really are what the posters say they are. I wish I was there with you I dont want to be here. Where are you? Tell me where you are and I will come I promise.

Love you,

Dear Brother,
            I hope you are getting my letters. Please respond this time. I don’t know if you are getting these or not. Mom keeps checking the mailbox. I told her I’d write you even though you aren’t responding. She’s very worried. Papa doesn’t show it but I think he’s worried too. Maybe even more worried. Now that you’re gone I get to do all your jobs. Papa doesn’t want me to though—he thinks I should stick to the rice because I’m not strong enough to lift things and Mom thinks I get lost too easily to be responsible for deliveries. I think I can do it. I’d be the only girl though. For now I am just going on trips with other boys. Papa says after my birthday I can try delivering by myself. That’s only 34 days! I can’t wait! It seems so far away though.  Oh and by the way, Gabriela says she misses you. I assume she’s writing you too. She keeps crying but I think she’ll get over it and find someone else.
